Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 34: Sorry

Hi O. It's your Daddy, not too long ago I was feeling your head at a midwife visit your Mommy had, and your Mommy said you seemed to not like that, sorry. It was pretty amazing to feel it though!

Yesterday, as your Mommy said, was so beautiful out that the walk we took was real nice. We stopped and had a slice of pizza as well. Your Mommy was at work real late last night, and I was there keeping her company. Thankfully her blood pressure this morning at the midwife appointment was good, otherwise I'd be on her more about working so much. After this week though things should be 300% better.

Everybody at my work has been real nice to me about getting my job on a permanent basis now, and after doing an orientation yesterday and going over the benefits, especially the health insurance, I feel better about working here. Besides, what other job could I be writing to you at? This weekend your Mommy is doing a lot more work at a big conference that's going on, that I'm also volunteering to help out with, and I'm looking forward to the conference. I attended another conference with your Mommy some months back and had a nice time. Sorry again about touching your head O. Love you.
