Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 31: No more birthing classes =[

So O, your Mommy and I graduated from birthing class U. last night! It was a nice class, we got to meet two couples and their respective babies and Daddy kept up his reputation for asking a ton of questions. I hope other people in the class didn't think I was wasting their time but I really just want to make sure I know enough to take care of you as well as I can. After class we talked with a few other people in the class and it was nice getting to know a little bit more about people. Talking to the couples was great. They had such different birthing experiences and are having a completely different time breastfeeding their babies. One mommy had a ten hour long labor, while the other had a 5 day labor. Interestingly though, the mommy with the real long labor hasn't had any problems breastfeeding while the mommy with the 10 hour labor had had a lot of struggles with it, your Mommy noticed this observation.

I can't wait for us all to get back together with our babies some time in June. It will be so weird to see so many new parents together. You know your Mommy said it was sad that we had no more birthing classes, and after thinking about it for a little while I have to agree with her. We were a little community, diverse at that, that all have the same goal, to give birth to a healthy child and raise them the best we can. I hope we can all keep in touch.

In other news, your Mommy is real sick O. Hope you are ok. She's such a strong person that I have to push her to take it easy and take care of herself. It was tough leaving her at home today to go to work and I can't wait to get back home to take care of her. Got to run now O. Love you.

(31 weeks, 1 day)