Sunday, March 4, 2007

Week 30: Daddy asks many questions!

Hi O,

Your Mommy and I have been real busy, like she said, but doing things that concern you. We've been in Birthing classes, and this upcoming week has more of the same. We have one more class and then a few days later we meet with our Doula/Labor Assistant, Jen. I'm excited Jen has been coming with us to the birthing classes and it was real nice that when your Mommy's Mommy and sister came to class yesterday that Jen offered to assist another Mommy that had no one with her during one part of the class when we were simulating labor. Speaking of which, I hope you didn't think it was time to come out because Mommy and I felt you kicking and are sorry if we were confusing you. Speaking of childbirth classes, I ask so many questions in them! Some are kinda silly and some are so your Mommy doesn't have to ask, but all of them lead to informative answers. That's one thing I hope you understand when you are in school in the future, there really aren't stupid questions and you should never feel uncomfortable to ask questions. But keep in mind you have to have some tact, and pick when you ask certain questions, you'll learn soon enough. As good as a student as your Mommy was I have no doubt you will be either.

While we've been busy with birthing class, like your Mommy said her Mommy and sister came to visit us this weekend as well. We had a nice time, went out to eat lunch together, went to birthing class together and did some shopping. It was kinda funny when they showed up at our door I was still sweeping the apartment and was in my pajamas! Who would have thought they would show up early?

Your Mommy has been feeling kinda like she was earlier in the pregnancy, which is to say not as comfortable as she was a few weeks ago. Maybe you're so big and have so little room in there that when you move it makes Mommy feel uncomfortable? Well, if that is the case don't stop moving for Mommy, I mean I'm sure you don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, but it's nice knowing you are doing well in there BECAUSE you are moving. Crazy, huh?

Things on the job front have picked up a lot of late. Went on an interview and got job offer and am negotiating with current temp employer now to maybe get job there permanently. I'm also applying to more jobs now as well. All I keep thinking about when I think about jobs is making sure I can take time to be with your Mommy and you when you first join us out here. Thus, if a job pays more but can't provide me with that opportunity...they can keep their stinkin job!

I've been trying to do more around the apartment of late, so sorry if I haven't written as much, but will try harder ok. Love you.
