Sunday, March 4, 2007

Week 30: Lela Carmen

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Little One,

I didn't want this weekend to end without writing, so here goes. I had a hectic week at work, and was looking foward to meeting your parents for lunch. Titi Jomaira and I arrived at Northampton around 12 o'clock and I wa able to see where you'll be living. The apartment is so cute--Mommie and Daddy have done a great job. We then had lunch at a very nice Chinese/Japanese restaurant. There are so many places to dine in Northampton, the variety is great.

After lunch, we stopped at an Italian bakery and I asked for a strawberry shortcake. This happens to be one of my favorite desserts. We went to a Labor Class with your parents. The group was most interesting, with expectant mommies, their partners and family support members. It was a first experience for me. I had never met such a group of involved and knowlegable people regarding childbirth. Basically, because they were talking about "natural childbirth..........." I never was offered this as an option, so even though I have had 3 children, the experience was very enlightening.

That was part of my week, how are things with you? I touched mommie's belly and felt you moving around. You seem to be pretty busy. To think that you will arriving so soon, time goes by so quickly. So Little One my wishes for a great week. If possible, try to sleep when mommie sleeps. I'm sure you'll try. May the Lord continue blessing the three of you.

Much love,
Lela Carmen