Thursday, March 1, 2007

Week 30: Exhausted

Hi little O :)

Your Daddy & I are both exhausted. Daddy and I have both been really busy at work and then doing a lot of things after work as well.

At work one of the things I do is coordinate a summer internship program for students. Last year 25 students applied for an internship. Today was the application deadline for the Summer 2007 program and we received 121 applications. Crazy! Mommie is going to be busy reading applications and interviewing students for the next month or so. I don't have to be in the office to read the applications so I'll be able to work from home some days which is nice because I can stay in my pajamas all day long and hang out with you!

Lela Carmen had a scary day at her school today. Maybe she'll tell you about it or maybe not because it might scare you. I'm so glad she's okay. Send her your love, sweetie!

This weekend is going to be busy with childbirth classes. We get to learn more about you...yay! Daddy went out and got us some Orangina which I've very happy about so I'm going to go have some. I love you sweetie pie.

(30 weeks, 2 days)