Thursday, March 8, 2007

Week 31: Women's Day

Good morning little O :)

Happy International Women's Day!!

Women's Day is not as celebrated in the US as it is in other countries around the world but maybe that'll change when you're my age. Women are pretty amazing, O. They haven't always been treated so well in the world so this is a day to recognize their accomplishments and to support the work they do.

Last night another friend from my first trimester came back, heartburn. Yes, it's back! Luckily we had Tums and Daddy took some with me because he knows how much I don't like them. I'm also going to the bathroom about 5 times a night again. I had been going mostly twice a night, sometimes only once since the second trimester. The pregnancy books say this is to get me used to what life with you will be like and getting up all the time. I wish I could just sleep though. In other sleeping news, I froze your Daddy again last night. I feel so bad but I didn't have sheets on for most of the time because I was so warm. I feel like I'm going to wake up one night and I'll have a little icicle next to me. Sorry Daddy!

After work today we have an appointment to interview a pediatrician. Apparently there are a lot of questions we have to ask. Crazy! Mommie is still sick but feeling a little better. Love you sweetie!

(31 weeks, 2 days)