Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 33: Much Better

Hi little O :)

What a difference a day makes...I'm feeling much much better. Today after work Daddy and I went for a walk downtown. We got some yummie goodies at Woodstar Cafe and then went to Haymarket Cafe to play cards. I almost beat your Daddy but he ended up winning the last! After cards we walked back home and went to the gym. The treadmills at the gym each have their own tv screens with cable which I enjoy because we don't have cable at home. We stayed on the treadmill for an hour and then came home and are now relaxing. Here are some photos of your parents from today:

Mommie's boss got her a maternity spring pink. :)

Daddy about to lose...

So close

Tonight I wanted to try the G Diapers on little Eduardo to see how they fit him since you'll be about the same size when you come out. They fit him really well and look so cute on him.

Naked Eduardo

Eduardo with the G Diapers

We have one in green and one in blue

Fits nice!

The g goes on the bum

In his/your jammies

Swaddled nicely by Daddy

It's bedtime for you sweetie!

(33 weeks, 2 days)