Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 32: You are loved

Hi sweet pea :)

It's your Mommie. I think you're sleeping right now because you haven't been moving around much in the last few hours. So little O, how are you doing in there? Our doula Jen came over last night and we talked about many things. Towards the end she asked if we wanted her to try to find out what you were up to. I laid on the couch and she started to move you around and could feel your arms or legs. Daddy got to feel you too. She was moving you around a lot and I was a little concerned but she said that you probably like it. I hope so! She can't tell what position you're in but around this time is usually when babies put their heads in their Mommie's pelvis so maybe you're down there already. It's really important that you get your head down there sweetie so that I can give birth to you more easily. You also want to be face down and then you'll move your head to the side a bit so you can get out. You have so much work to do but you can do it sweetie! Best of all, as soon as you're done you get to meet us! I'm sure you can't wait to do that. :) I'm at work now so I have to go. I love you sweetie!

(32 weeks, 1 day)