Friday, March 9, 2007

Week 31: turning the corner, on two fronts

Hi O,

It's Daddy. Your Mommy is starting to get a little better heatlhwise, although I still think she needs to take it easy more to let her body fight her sickness. I think because she's been sleeping more she's been getting better. I'm trying to do as much as possible at home to take care of the two of you, and like to think this has helped as well.

In other news, yesterday we interviewed a pediatrician for you and he was pretty nice. I think you will like him. We spent a lot of time asking him all sorts of questions, about an hour, and he never rushed us. I think he will be your pediatrician O. You know besides your Mommy turning the corner on her health, now that we finished birthing classes and picked a pediatrician for you I think we are starting to turn the corner on what we have to do to get ready for you, if you can ever be ready for a baby! I still want to make more room in our apartment for all the stuff we are going to have for you.

I've been talking to you more of late, hopefully you'll recognize my voice when you join us on the outside. Sounds kinda funny, the "outside," like your trapped in there or something. The way you've been moving of late, it's almost like you're trying to get out! Please wait a little longer O. Gotta run, at work now and sometimes got to actually do work, crazy huh? Love you.
