Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 32: Soaking it all up!


Here I am less than a couple months away from being a new Daddy and guess what, I can't wait! Things are good now, as I've gone on about before, but things can only get better with you around! Am a crazy you ask? Won't it be much more work, I'll be more tired, financially things will be much harder, and my relationship with your Mommy will go through changes, does this sound like something to look forward to? YES! Where do I sign?

So what makes me so looking forward to being a Daddy? Well, you always hear women talk about how having a baby makes them feel like they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. It's no different for me. I think I'm a responsible person, and the kind of person that a child looking up to might benefit from growing up with. Furthermore, I think whatever hardships my relationship with your Mommy might face after you are born, I don't worry that there is nothing we can't work through together, as a family.

Your Mommy is clearly feeling a lot better of late. However, she's had some discomfort with you, but don't blame yourself over this. It's not your fault she's little and you're getting big and likely having a tougher time moving around. I've been talking to you like I said I would, but last night it suddenly dawned on me I haven't been speaking Spanish to you! Don't worry, from now on I will.
