Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 33: Spring Cleaning

Hi O.

It's your Daddy. Things have been ok with me of late. Like your Mommy I'm a little bit emotional and working through some things but nothing you have to worry about. I've been getting rid of books (donating them to the local library) to hopefully get rid of one of the two bookshelfs I have to make more room for your stuff. It's been crazy trying to pick crib for you! There are just too many choices to make. Hopefully by this weekend we will have that all set. This Saturday I'm taking my car to the dealer to also make sure everything is fine with it because I can't risk having some unexpected issue when I'm taking your Mommy to the Hospital to give birth to you!

Then Sunday I have my Daddy Boot Camp. I get to meet other Daddys and learn more things to help me with you and your Mommy. Speaking about learning, one of the books I'm reading is pretty good and is giving me a lot of "hints" on the routine things I'll have to do when you are on the outside with us, hope they work. Having Eduardo, a little cub we got recently, has been good to practice swaddling, your Mommy is pretty good at this.

Today it's supposed to get nicer outside, I'm hoping to have Indian food with your Mommy from this restaurant we like to get food from. It's so yummy! Since I'm at work I can't chat/write for long, take care.
