Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Week 33: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O! :)

Happy 33rd week birthday!!

According to Pampers, you now measure 16.5 inches and weigh more than 4 pounds, and you'll double your weight over the next seven weeks. Your brain is still developing rapidly as your five senses get ready for the world outside the womb. At this point, you can see the liquid world around you; feel sensation when you grab a toe or suck on a finger; taste the amniotic fluid you're swallowing; and hear my heartbeat, my voice, and the grumble of my stomach. Of course, there's no air in the amniotic sac to carry scent, but if there were, you could also smell your environment.

Because of tremendous brain growth, your head circumference has increased by nearly half an inch just this week.

Here's what Mommie is looking like this week: