Hi O! :)
I'm feeling so much better. I still have my cold but it's not as bad anymore. I think not doing much this weekend really helped. I had a really nice time at the Fernandezes yesterday. I got to attend my first confirmation. Your Titi Krysten got confirmed in a really beautiful church in Brookline. It was also nice to meet more of your family members. I'm happy you're going to have so many family members around. That's really important to both your Daddy and I. After the confirmation we came back to your grandparents house and had a yummie lunch. I started to not feel so well so your Daddy took me up to Tio Toti's room so I could rest. Thank you Tio Toti! I slept for a few hours and felt much much better.
Today at work I was really really busy. There are about a million things going on at the moment. I can't wait until next month when things should calm down a little bit and I can spend all the time thinking about you! After work today it was really nice out so your Daddy and I walked around downtown Amherst and got dinner. It was nice to get out but I was getting tired so we came home.
Your Daddy is testing out G Diapers right now. They're flushable, biodegradable diapers. We just flushed our first G Diaper and it worked! It didn't clog our toilet. I hope you like them. It's between that and cloth diapers so if you don't like G Diapers we'll go in that direction.
We have our rescheduled appointment with our doula tomorrow night. I'm really excited. We're going to go over breastfeeding more since we didn't go into too much detail during our childbirth class. Her homework last time was for us was to envision your birth. I still haven't done that so maybe I'll do that tonight. Love you sweetie! Sorry if I kept you up last night with all the coughing.