Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 32: Happiest Baby

Hi sweetie pie :)

Your Daddy and I just finished watching a DVD called The Happiest Baby on the Block. It was really good! It's all about how to calm a baby with five different techniques: swaddling, side position, shshing, jiggling, and sucking. The pediatrician in the video had all these crying babies and their parents and then would use some or all of the techniques and the babies would calm down. We'll have to practice these and try some on you! The thing I liked best that the pediatrician said is that we can't spoil you because even if we hold you for 12 hours a day that's still only 50% of the time you were held by my uterus when you were in the womb.

Your Daddy and I both got out early from work today because of the big snow storm. It took us about 2 hours to get home and it usually takes us 15 minutes. It's okay though because we were together and now we're at home relaxing. I love you sweetie!
