Monday, March 5, 2007

Week 30: Moving around

Good morning little O! :)

I think you're sleeping right now but we're at work. Mommie has a lot to do but we'll be going home around noon today and tomorrow...yay! As soon as we get home I'm going to get in my pajamas, make some cream of wheat, and then get really comfy on the futon and read some applications.

You were really active early last night and I read in a book that someone said that the only thing that would slow down their baby when they were in the womb was to get into a pool. We don't have a pool at home so I decided to take a warm bath. You settled down right away, you must really like the water. It felt really good to be in there and I was also able to do work and read a few applications. If you still like water when you come out, we'll get you one of those little inflatable pools to dunk you in. I remember we had one for your Titi Jomaira growing up and she really liked it.

Your Daddy has been so so helpful lately. He really takes care of us. He's been doing so many things at home including laundry and dishes and getting Mommie things to drink (I'm always thristy). We're so lucky to have him sweetie pie, he's going to make such a great Daddy. I don't think I've told you how we met but we will at some point.

It was really nice to see Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira this weekend. I love when our families come to visit us. I hope the childbirth class wasn't too weird for them. Lela Carmen also brought a whole bag of clothes that Titi Lisa got for you. They are so cute! A lot of the clothes had little ducks on them (Daddy's favorite) and there's one that has a little teddy bear hat so you'll look like a little cub. I can't wait to get you all dressed up! Thank you Titi Lisa!

Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira at Taipei & Toyko

Daddy, Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira at childbirth class

Mommie sitting in one of the cushy recliners at childbirth class

We learned about breastfeeding in yesterday's class. I'm so excited to breastfeed you, O! I know it can be really painful and we learned all about plugged ducts and infections and babies chewing on their Mommies (I think your Titi Jomaira did this actually) but still to know that I can nourish you all by myself is amazing. I can't believe our last childbirth class is tomorrow. Will we be ready? I hope so!

Back to work for me. Love you sweetie!

(30 weeks, 6 days)