Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 32: Donut Maker

Hi little O :)

So your Daddy has been calling you something new lately: a donut maker. Yes, a donut maker. This started a few weeks ago. I'm not really sure how it started but he thinks that you make donuts inside of my tummie all night long and that that's why you move around so much late at night. Pretty much every night before we go to bed he asks you to make his favorite type of donut, powdered donuts. In the morning he asks how his little donut maker is doing and whether you've made his favorite that night. He also thinks you're going to invent a brand new type of donut in there, one that has never been created before. I think he's losing it, sweetie. If you come out really liking donuts I'll understand why. Love you!
