Thursday, March 15, 2007

Week 32: Still teach an old dog...

Ok, for the record, the donut maker label came from you being called O for short, O like the shape of a donut. It also didn't hurt that I was craving powdered donuts at the time. Put the two together and walah! Guess what? The good news today is that you are doing fine, we met another midwife this morning, and we heard your heartbeat. And most exciting, you are heads down, as in to say in perfect position to be delivered. Good job O. Your Mommy is also doing well.

I've never minded cleaning around the house, but lately have been stepping up on the cooking front. Nothing fancy yet, but what has held me back is me being too hard on myself with my cooking, at least that's what your Mommy tells me (I know she's right, about this only!). I was at home yesterday making tacos for us when your Mommy called and said she had missed her bus, so I sprang into action, picked her up and then finished making tacos and french fries ( I know I'm not exactly a chef yet, but baby steps first right O?). Then this morning made some scrambled eggs and toast. Your Mommy needs her protein! I also woke up pretty early this morning to go to the gym. I love the basketball court they have there. I had to push myself to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes before going to the court to shoot around.

It's not easy leaving your Mommy and you in bed to go to the gym, but as your Mommy noted this morning "I slept good when you were away." Nice right?

Today is rainy and nowhere as nice as yesterday, and the weather reports are suggesting that another snow storm is on the way. Can't wait for winter to go away, and spring and summer to come, along with you. Think it will be nice to sit on our little porch with you, maybe I'll read you some books. Like political science? Ok, I'll read some baby stories. Until then, love you.
