Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week 31: Relaxing at home

Good morning little O :)

So, we're at home relaxing...yay! This is the first time your Daddy and I have had absolutely nothing to do for a really really long time. Every other weekend has been filled with classes or trips or having to get things done. Not today though. We woke up at 9am and had breakfast and have been relaxing ever since. That makes Mommie so happy.

Yesterday I didn't go into work because I still wasn't feeling well. Daddy took the bus to work so I would have the car for our midwife appointment. I woke up around 10am for our 10:30am appointment and somehow still made it on time, Mommie is fast! I got to meet one of the midwives, Pam, for the first time. She was really nice and we talked about hospital procedures. I asked her how often you will be monitored and if I'll be able to walk around and eat during this time. She said they would monitor you for about 20 minutes at the beginning and then from time to time but that I would be able to walk around and eat and do all kinds of things during this time. We got to hear your heartbeat and you sounded so good. They also took my blood pressure and it was back to normal, 120/70. That made me very happy because although it was normal last time it was still on the high end. I guess I'm learning to relax!

Speaaking of relaxing, it's 2 months until your due date today. Crazy! I can't believe you'll be here so soon sweetie pie. Like Daddy mentioned, we interviewed a pediatrician at Northampton Area Pediatrics on Thursday. Daddy thought he looked like a mad scientist (in a good way) but he was really nice. Your Daddy and I asked him all kinds of questions including how he treats ear infections, immunizations, breastfeeding, etc. There are 8 pediatricians total in the practice but you pick one doctor that you see most of the time unless your doctor is unavailable. All of the pediatricians have children except for one and their office is open 365 days a yea. We can also email them non-urgent questions. All good things I think. You'll get to meet one of them at the hospital little O. I hope you like them.

After our midwife appointment yesterday I was really craving some vegetarian chili and went to get my favorite at Bart's in Amherst. I was thinking of going into work for a bit since I was in the area but I decided against it and instead went to visit your Daddy. Your Daddy called me at his lunch time and asked where I was and I said, "I'm sitting in your parking lot." Scary! He came outside for a few minutes and it was so nice to see him but he had to go quickly.

I then headed to a little shopping plaza to get Get Well balloons for Titi Jomaira because she was scheduled to have surgery yesterday. I also bought two dresses. It's so crazy little O. I used to dress all colorful and in all kinds of things but since I've been pregnant not much fits so I mostly wear my maternity jeans and maybe 3 different tops over and over again. I couldn't take this anymore so I bought two dresses that are more like what I used to dress like. They were actually from the juniors section so aren't maternity looking at all. Thankfully they are very stretchy to fit you. It was so nice to dress like myself again. I wonder what I will dress like once you're born. A long time ago I told your Daddy that I wasn't allowed to wear sweats every day once you were born and that if he saw that happening he would have to tell me something. We'll see how that goes. :)

After that I went to pick up your Daddy from work and we headed to Connecticut to surprise Titi Jomaira with a visit. On the way there though we found out that her surgery had been rescheduled. Poor Titi Jomaira! We met your Titi and Lela Carmen at a dress store and then went out to eat. Then we visited Tio Jon, Titi Lisa and your cousins Yasmin & Jalil. We had a fun time and played the board game Sorry. Jalil & Titi Jomaira ended up winning. It was about 10pm at that point so we said goodbye to everyone and Daddy drove home and we went to bed. A very nice day.

I'm going to go get ready because your Daddy and I are going to go to our favorite cafe, the Lady Killigrew Cafe. Mommie gets to beat your Daddy at cards again, good times. :) Love you sweetie!

(31 weeks, 4 days)