Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 32: Crunch Time

Hi O.

It's your Daddy, I'm at work and, like I normally do I'm thinking about you and your Mommy like crazy! I miss you guys when I'm away from you. Last night after meeting with Jen, our Labor Assistant, your Mommy and I went to sleep, but I still feel kind of tired today. I have three parenting books I'm trying to read in the next couple weeks, thus it's "crunch time" for me on the daddy prep front.

I think no matter how much I do or don't read about parenting, the most important thing is how your Mommy and I act on a day to day basis, both toward you as well as toward each other, so I'm not too worried. I think children learn from watching how their parents act, I know I did, and think with your Mommy as a role model you are ahead of the curve O! I think one thing I love about my relationship with your Mommy O is that we joke a lot. Your Mommy has a great sense of humor, and thankfully laughs at most of my jokes. Life is too short to not enjoy everything, and look at things in the most positive light you can, because things are never as bad as they can be.

Right now things are pretty good in my life. Aside from having a loving, smart, beautiful partner in your Mommy, and you coming soon, I have an ok job, live in a nice apartment and all of my family, immediate and extended (includes your Mommy's family) has their health and si Dios quiere will live long enough to see your grandchildren. Oh and the weather of late has been so nice! Today it's really warm out and I wish I could go out and lay down in the grass of some park by a lake or something. Soon enough, and with you! Love you.
