Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Week 34: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O! :)

Happy 34th week birthday!!!

According to Parenting Magazine, by the end of this week, you may weigh as much as five pounds and measure nearly 20 inches. As my uterine and abdominal walls stretch and thin, more light reaches the womb, causing you to open and close your eyes in response. It also helps you know day from night so you can cycle between activity and rest.

Regardless of the eye color you will end up with, right now your eyes are blue. The pigmentation process in your iris won't be complete until your eyes have been exposed to light for several weeks after birth. Your final eye color may not be evident for years.

Aww...sweetie, you can tell day from night? That's so sweet! Maybe that's why you sleep more at night now. This is what you look like inside of Mommie right now:

This is what Mommie looks like right now:

Love you sweetie!