Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Week 31: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O. :)

Happy 31st week birthday!!

According to Babycenter, you now weigh a little over 3 pounds and measure 16 inches long. You're headed for a growth spurt. You can turn your head from side to side, and you're beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath your skin in preparation for life as a newborn. As a result, your arms, legs, and body are filling out.

What you look like inside of Mommie right now:

What Mommie looks like right now...

Still not feeling very well little O. The cough drops Daddy got me are helping though. Your Daddy and I listened to Baby Beluga by Raffi last night. I think you liked it. We'll have to sing it to you when you come out.

We get to go home in a few hours...yay! Love you sweetie.
