Monday, March 19, 2007

Week 32: Cooking is fun

So as you may have heard, I'm cooking a little more of late. Yesterday I made some pasta with rice pilaf, and we had salad (already made). It was yummy. That was after I made some baked french toast following a recipe I got online. The french toast was really good, and your Mommy and I really enjoyed it. You know cooking isn't that bad, I just need to be less afraid of trying things or "messing up."

In other news, your Mommy finally saw my favorite movie, The Usual Suspects. It wasn't easy to get her to watch it but it was really nice that she did. Over the weekend we bought some receiving blankets to practice swaddling you. That coupled with the addition of Eduardo, our little cub, has made for some good practice swaddling that I'm sure is going to come in handy for you! The Happiest Baby On the Block video we saw I really liked! I can't wait to try the techniques recommended in it to calm you down when you get "fussy."

As for work, after this week I'm supposed to start my job permanently, and that makes me equal parts excited and kind of sad. I'm happy and excited to get a job that is secure and has good benefits, and is close to where your Mommy works. But, on the other hand, the kind of work I'll be doing (administrative) isn't what I'd want to be doing for work, but I'm happy nonetheless because the people I work with are nice (they let me come in late the other day to get to go with your Mommy to meet another midwife!). I'm still applying to other jobs and am optimistic that I'll get something that both pays more, and is more fulfilling. Love you.
