Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 34: Cutie pie

Hi little O :)

Have I mentioned how much I love you lately? I love you, love you, love you! You're tickling my cervix right now. I think you have finally calmed down from this morning's midwife appointment. You were moving around so much sweetie that the midwife was having a hard time finding your heartbeat. When she finally did it sounded really good. Here it is:
o's heartbeat at 34 weeks, 1 day

I had your Daddy talk to you on the phone today while I was at work and it reminded me how we used to do this all the time. When your Daddy was in North Carolina and I was here in Massachusetts, right before we'd go to sleep, I would put my cell phone up to my tummie and he would talk to you, sometimes for a really long time. I have no idea what he would tell you but I'm sure it was good.

After this weekend sweetie all I have to do is think of you. Things will finally be calm at work and I can devote my time to nesting and getting everything ready for your arrival. I can't wait!

Love you sweetie...I hope you have sweet dreams tonight.

(34 days, 1 day)