Sunday, March 18, 2007

Week 32: Eduardo!

Good morning sweet pea :)

We got you a new friend yesterday...Eduardo! We got him from Build-a-Bear. He's really cute and I'm sure you'll love him. Here he is with some of your clothes on:

We wanted to practice swaddling so we got a few receiving blankets from BabiesRUs yesterday. We swaddled Eduardo pretty well so you're up next.

See the swaddling job?

So yesterday while we were at the mall I was pretty sore so I went into one of those stores with a bunch of massage chairs. As soon as I sat down someone came up to me and said I wasn't allowed to use the chairs because I was pregnant! I was really looking forward to it but what can you do?

Your Daddy made us some yummie baked french toast this morning. He's the sweetest!

We're going to try to go to the gym in a little while so we'll talk with you later. Love you!
