Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 31: Sick as a dog

Hi sweet pea :)

Oh my, little O, your Mommie is so sick. I don't know how you can sleep through my coughing. Daddy cancelled our doula appointment tonight and I decided to stay home for the day. I've been working a bit so that's good but mostly I have been eating apple pie and ice cream and laying on the couch, watching tv. So far today I've watched the Today Show, the Cosby Show, the Tyra Banks Show, and the Maury Povich Show. Good times. I think I've also gone through about a hundred tissues. I'm glad we got really good Puffs Plus tissues.

Last night's childbirth class was really nice. A doula came in to talk about the Green River Doula Network, the network where we found our doula, Jen. She had her 15 month old daughter with her who was all wrapped up in a big snow suit, she was so cute! After that we talked about immunizations and circumcision, two very controversial topics. Our childbirth instructor believes in immunizations but there were some parents and parents-to-be in the class who had decided against them. Your Daddy and I have decided that we're going to get you immunized for the most part (maybe not chicken pox and things like that). After that we talked about circumcision. Our childbirth instructor is against circumcision as are we. So if you come out as a little boy, O, you will not be circumcised...yay! We also talked about picking a pediatrician in the area, there are so many to choose from it's crazy.

Daddy was out of control last night. He kept making me laugh and making all these comments about what people were saying. He also shared very personal information about himself with the group, it was so cute.

After the heated discussions two couples came in with their babies...they were adorable! The two couples were in our childbirth instructor's last class and one now has a 3 month old and the other has a 4 month old. They told us about their birth stories. One mommie had a homebirth that went really fast. She had a waterbirth as well. The other mommie started as a homebirth but after 3 days she was transfered to Holyoke Hospital and got an epidural and finally was able to give birth. We got to ask the couples all kinds of questions about babies and adjusting to their new lives. They all talked about how different their life was now and how some days they didn't even have time to take a shower or brush their teeth. Crazyness!

We also talked about postpartum depression and how a couple's relationship can be strained for the first few months after giving birth. I'm a little concerned about postpartum depression as I have a history of a depression and there seems to be a link between that and postpartum depression. Luckily though there is a mommie postpartum depression support group in Northampton that I can attend if that becomes an issue.

At the end of class we received a certificate, so we're official graduates! After class we stayed around for a little less than an hour saying bye to everyone. We got to talk with our favorite couple, Andy & Lori for a long time. They're just like us! We also talked about some of our concerns with our instructor.

When we got home after class last night (10pm) I started to not feel well, like I had to throw up. It feels like I'm going through the first trimester all over again only I'm bigger now. I have been feeling a bit nauseous from time to time and been having round ligament pain. One of the pregnancy books said I should count your movements at the same time every day to make sure you're okay. I'm supposed to feel 10 movements within an hour. I did it this morning, not even an active time for you, and I felt 10 movements in about 8 minutes so I guess you're aokay. Back to watching tv for Mommie. I can't wait for your Daddy to come home, he always makes me feel better. Love you sweetie!
