Monday, March 5, 2007

Week 30: oh oh

So Mommy is sick and Daddy is feeling kinda...well not too great himself. Hopefully I'm not sick as well. Mommy made some yummy dinner tonight, with many choices, and after eating my share of everything I'm ready to hit the bed. Not that I should because it's not good for digestion. I can't wait for the summer to go for nice walks after dinner like your Mommy and I have done in the past. Tomorrow is our last birthing class, and there are supposed to be some surprises, hmm. Have you liked being close to so many other babies? It's funny because there is this whole thing in society about women becoming part of a special group when they become mommies, and your Mommy has told me she has already felt this herself. But what about the Daddies? I saw a man the other day with a baby in a baby carrier hanging on his chest and started talking to him about how much he likes that type fo baby carrier. Maybe men have the same feelings, only to a lesser degree? I don't know, although I know that I'm real excited about being a Daddy! Love you.
