Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Week 32: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O :)

Happy 32nd week birthday!!!

You're 8 months old today...yay!

I can't believe how old you are. You only have two more months to go and then you'll be out in the world. According to Parenting magazine, your normally energetic baby has started to chill out a bit. Your movements feel more like squirms and rolls rather than hyperactive kickboxing sessions. That's because this week, when you're close to four pounds and 19 inches long, you have begun to run out of room (or should we say womb?). Beneath your skin is a nice layer of fat, and although you still rely on the umbilical cord for nourishment, your digestive tract is almost fully developed. Fetal brain scans show that babies this age actually have rapid eye movements, which means they're dreaming. Who knows what dreams now fill your slumber.

Aww, sweetie...you can dream now? Do you dream about coming out? Do you have any idea what it's like out here? I know you can hear everything now so you must envision something. I hope you're having all good dreams and no nightmares.

I love you so much sweetie. We have a lot to do before you come out and hopefully we'll get at least most of it done in the next two months.
