Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Week 33: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Mommie to be,

I've decided to write today to your mommie because she needs a little encouragement. Mommie is very, very excited about your arrival, but there are also some concerns. Mommie, this is normal. I know your mind comprehends this, but the emotions get the best of you. My grandchild is coming to a loving home. Chester and you are going to make great parents. Life will always present its challenges, but you'll have each other. I know that you have prepared for the baby's arrival. In reality, you will learn along the way. The most important thing is the love you will share with your child. So take a deep breath.

Sleeping is more uncomfortable at this stage. Maybe a warm bath before going to sleep with some "Sleepy-time tea." Try resting when you can and take short walks. As far as crying, let it all come out is what I say - I'm the poster child for crying.

"So don’t be afraid or ashamed to cry your heart out – it is a fine way of unleashing your feelings, get them out of your system and start afresh. Sometimes crying can make you understand your emotions, whether you are crying for someone or something, or out of self pity. It even helps to give the eyes a good wash and clean them out. Ever thought of that before?"

So my sweet Jo, remember how much you are loved. God bless you greatly. I'm so glad you have Chester by your side, and on your side.

So goodnight Jo, goodnight Chester, goodnight Little One and good night Eduardo!

Much love,
Lela Carmen