Monday, March 26, 2007

Week 33: Folding clothes is no fun!

Hi O. How's life treating you inside Mommy's belly? Well, things are ok with me, today I officially start my job as an "Office Manager" at a Department at the University of Massachusetts, and while it is exciting to have a stable job where my coworkers are nice and the work isn't too stressful, because the work isn't fulfilling and the pay isn't great I'm not super excited. But in other news, I was accepted as a Post-Baccalaureate candidate in the area of Political Science/Political Philosophy for teacher licensure! I'm pretty excited about this because the classes are right where I work, 5 minute walk, so I could take a class or two after work and pretty soon be licensed to teach at a high school.

In other news, this weekend was nice. Saturday I took the car to the dealer and had a bunch of work done on it, that while expensive was needed to make sure the car is fine before you join us. Speaking of which I can't wait to get your car seat installed! After the car dealership stuff your Abuelita Carmen, Mommy's Mommy, came to visit us and brought your Mommy some clothes and took us out to lunch. The food was real yummy, Italian. Then your Mommy and I reanted some movies and watched one of them, Stranger Than Fiction, it was pretty funny.

I did a whole bunch of laundry, although for me this means putting it in the washer and then in the dryer, and sadly I have accumulated a big pile of clean clothes to fold that gives me heartburn just looking at it! I hope to tackle this tonight!

Sunday I went to Daddy Boot Camp, where I got to spend three hours with a bunch of other expectant fathers talking about things we can do to better prepare for you, before and after you join Mommy and I. The conversation was good, and I was one of only three Daddy's that got to hold a baby. It was the highlight of the class. After the class, I went home to your Mommy and you, and your Mommy was cooking a feast! Real yummy pastas and garlic bread, salad, and muffins. What a lucky guy I am! Then we saw another movie, The Holiday, that was also nice. Maybe tonight we'll watch the final movie we rented?

Things are picking up at work now so I got to run. Love you.

(33 weeks, 6 days)