Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 34: Eduardo

Here is what little Eduardo has been up to:

Reading outside on the porch with Mommie in your snowsuit

Being kept warm by Daddy

Week 34: Cutie pie

Hi little O :)

Have I mentioned how much I love you lately? I love you, love you, love you! You're tickling my cervix right now. I think you have finally calmed down from this morning's midwife appointment. You were moving around so much sweetie that the midwife was having a hard time finding your heartbeat. When she finally did it sounded really good. Here it is:
o's heartbeat at 34 weeks, 1 day

I had your Daddy talk to you on the phone today while I was at work and it reminded me how we used to do this all the time. When your Daddy was in North Carolina and I was here in Massachusetts, right before we'd go to sleep, I would put my cell phone up to my tummie and he would talk to you, sometimes for a really long time. I have no idea what he would tell you but I'm sure it was good.

After this weekend sweetie all I have to do is think of you. Things will finally be calm at work and I can devote my time to nesting and getting everything ready for your arrival. I can't wait!

Love you sweetie...I hope you have sweet dreams tonight.

(34 days, 1 day)

Week 34: Sorry

Hi O. It's your Daddy, not too long ago I was feeling your head at a midwife visit your Mommy had, and your Mommy said you seemed to not like that, sorry. It was pretty amazing to feel it though!

Yesterday, as your Mommy said, was so beautiful out that the walk we took was real nice. We stopped and had a slice of pizza as well. Your Mommy was at work real late last night, and I was there keeping her company. Thankfully her blood pressure this morning at the midwife appointment was good, otherwise I'd be on her more about working so much. After this week though things should be 300% better.

Everybody at my work has been real nice to me about getting my job on a permanent basis now, and after doing an orientation yesterday and going over the benefits, especially the health insurance, I feel better about working here. Besides, what other job could I be writing to you at? This weekend your Mommy is doing a lot more work at a big conference that's going on, that I'm also volunteering to help out with, and I'm looking forward to the conference. I attended another conference with your Mommy some months back and had a nice time. Sorry again about touching your head O. Love you.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Week 34: At home!

Hi sweetie pie :)

We just got home a little while ago. I had to go back into work to finish some things. When I got home from work earlier today your Daddy and I went for walk. It was so nice out today sweetie. We went to the park across the street and a little kid who was about 7 years old looked at us and said, "I think the two of you make a lovely couple." Aww! That almost beats the drunk man who we passed on the street on our second date as he was staggering home who said he knew that we were in love.

It was nice to get out and on our walk back home I asked your Daddy if he would breastfeed you if he could. He said he would. That's a nice Daddy.

Your Daddy just made pancakes so I'm going to eat some and hang out with him and Eduardo. Love you O!


Week 34: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O! :)

Happy 34th week birthday!!!

According to Parenting Magazine, by the end of this week, you may weigh as much as five pounds and measure nearly 20 inches. As my uterine and abdominal walls stretch and thin, more light reaches the womb, causing you to open and close your eyes in response. It also helps you know day from night so you can cycle between activity and rest.

Regardless of the eye color you will end up with, right now your eyes are blue. The pigmentation process in your iris won't be complete until your eyes have been exposed to light for several weeks after birth. Your final eye color may not be evident for years.

Aww...sweetie, you can tell day from night? That's so sweet! Maybe that's why you sleep more at night now. This is what you look like inside of Mommie right now:

This is what Mommie looks like right now:

Love you sweetie!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Week 33: Folding clothes is no fun!

Hi O. How's life treating you inside Mommy's belly? Well, things are ok with me, today I officially start my job as an "Office Manager" at a Department at the University of Massachusetts, and while it is exciting to have a stable job where my coworkers are nice and the work isn't too stressful, because the work isn't fulfilling and the pay isn't great I'm not super excited. But in other news, I was accepted as a Post-Baccalaureate candidate in the area of Political Science/Political Philosophy for teacher licensure! I'm pretty excited about this because the classes are right where I work, 5 minute walk, so I could take a class or two after work and pretty soon be licensed to teach at a high school.

In other news, this weekend was nice. Saturday I took the car to the dealer and had a bunch of work done on it, that while expensive was needed to make sure the car is fine before you join us. Speaking of which I can't wait to get your car seat installed! After the car dealership stuff your Abuelita Carmen, Mommy's Mommy, came to visit us and brought your Mommy some clothes and took us out to lunch. The food was real yummy, Italian. Then your Mommy and I reanted some movies and watched one of them, Stranger Than Fiction, it was pretty funny.

I did a whole bunch of laundry, although for me this means putting it in the washer and then in the dryer, and sadly I have accumulated a big pile of clean clothes to fold that gives me heartburn just looking at it! I hope to tackle this tonight!

Sunday I went to Daddy Boot Camp, where I got to spend three hours with a bunch of other expectant fathers talking about things we can do to better prepare for you, before and after you join Mommy and I. The conversation was good, and I was one of only three Daddy's that got to hold a baby. It was the highlight of the class. After the class, I went home to your Mommy and you, and your Mommy was cooking a feast! Real yummy pastas and garlic bread, salad, and muffins. What a lucky guy I am! Then we saw another movie, The Holiday, that was also nice. Maybe tonight we'll watch the final movie we rented?

Things are picking up at work now so I got to run. Love you.

(33 weeks, 6 days)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Week 33: Awake & working

Good morning little O! :)

You are already awake but I think you slept a little bit last night because I didn't feel you moving around as much or maybe I'm just getting used to it now? Hope you're still comfy in there, it's going to get even tighter in the next few weeks sweetie.

I got up around 7am this morning because your Daddy was getting ready to take our car into the dealership. It needs to have its 30,000 mile check up and get its tires aligned and oil changed. Daddy wants to get it all done before you're here. So he's doing that in Springfield right now, Mommie was too tired to go with him. Once he left I couldn't sleep though so I woke up and starting working on the minutes from the last Human Rights Commission meeting that I needed to type up. I think this month's meeting might be my last meeting for a while because once you're around I think I'll be too busy to make the commitment.

I think I'm going to start packing my hospital bag soon. It makes me really excited to think about and I'd rather have it done and sitting in the car so we're prepared. We have to get your Daddy some swimming trunks so he can join me in the tub. I want him to wear Speedos but I think he'd rather wear shorts, we'll see. :)

Love you sweetie!

(33 weeks, 4 days)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 33: Much Better

Hi little O :)

What a difference a day makes...I'm feeling much much better. Today after work Daddy and I went for a walk downtown. We got some yummie goodies at Woodstar Cafe and then went to Haymarket Cafe to play cards. I almost beat your Daddy but he ended up winning the last! After cards we walked back home and went to the gym. The treadmills at the gym each have their own tv screens with cable which I enjoy because we don't have cable at home. We stayed on the treadmill for an hour and then came home and are now relaxing. Here are some photos of your parents from today:

Mommie's boss got her a maternity spring pink. :)

Daddy about to lose...

So close

Tonight I wanted to try the G Diapers on little Eduardo to see how they fit him since you'll be about the same size when you come out. They fit him really well and look so cute on him.

Naked Eduardo

Eduardo with the G Diapers

We have one in green and one in blue

Fits nice!

The g goes on the bum

In his/your jammies

Swaddled nicely by Daddy

It's bedtime for you sweetie!

(33 weeks, 2 days)

Week 33: Spring Cleaning

Hi O.

It's your Daddy. Things have been ok with me of late. Like your Mommy I'm a little bit emotional and working through some things but nothing you have to worry about. I've been getting rid of books (donating them to the local library) to hopefully get rid of one of the two bookshelfs I have to make more room for your stuff. It's been crazy trying to pick crib for you! There are just too many choices to make. Hopefully by this weekend we will have that all set. This Saturday I'm taking my car to the dealer to also make sure everything is fine with it because I can't risk having some unexpected issue when I'm taking your Mommy to the Hospital to give birth to you!

Then Sunday I have my Daddy Boot Camp. I get to meet other Daddys and learn more things to help me with you and your Mommy. Speaking about learning, one of the books I'm reading is pretty good and is giving me a lot of "hints" on the routine things I'll have to do when you are on the outside with us, hope they work. Having Eduardo, a little cub we got recently, has been good to practice swaddling, your Mommy is pretty good at this.

Today it's supposed to get nicer outside, I'm hoping to have Indian food with your Mommy from this restaurant we like to get food from. It's so yummy! Since I'm at work I can't chat/write for long, take care.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Week 33: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Mommie to be,

I've decided to write today to your mommie because she needs a little encouragement. Mommie is very, very excited about your arrival, but there are also some concerns. Mommie, this is normal. I know your mind comprehends this, but the emotions get the best of you. My grandchild is coming to a loving home. Chester and you are going to make great parents. Life will always present its challenges, but you'll have each other. I know that you have prepared for the baby's arrival. In reality, you will learn along the way. The most important thing is the love you will share with your child. So take a deep breath.

Sleeping is more uncomfortable at this stage. Maybe a warm bath before going to sleep with some "Sleepy-time tea." Try resting when you can and take short walks. As far as crying, let it all come out is what I say - I'm the poster child for crying.

"So don’t be afraid or ashamed to cry your heart out – it is a fine way of unleashing your feelings, get them out of your system and start afresh. Sometimes crying can make you understand your emotions, whether you are crying for someone or something, or out of self pity. It even helps to give the eyes a good wash and clean them out. Ever thought of that before?"

So my sweet Jo, remember how much you are loved. God bless you greatly. I'm so glad you have Chester by your side, and on your side.

So goodnight Jo, goodnight Chester, goodnight Little One and good night Eduardo!

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Week 33: Spring Day!

Good morning sweetie pie :)

Guess what? Mommie has the day off! It's Spring Break at my college and staff get to take a day off during the week, a Spring Day. Yay! I dropped your Daddy off at work about an hour ago and then I came home, had breakfast and am now lounging on our futon with Eduardo watching the Today Show. I have to get ready in a little bit because I have an appointment for another prenatal massage. Because the massage is considered therapeutic, it's covered by my health insurance. That makes me very happy.

Mommie has been having a kind of rough last couple of days. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything I have to do and with your impending birth. You're coming in only 50 days! I've also been extremely busy at work which makes me tired and then I've not been sleeping very well because I can't get comfortable. Sometimes I just start crying for no apparent's crazy. Luckily your Daddy comforts me and makes me feel better. You have the greatest Daddy ever little O.

Doesn't Eduardo look cute wearing your clothes?

Love you sweetie!

(33 weeks, 1 day)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Week 33: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O! :)

Happy 33rd week birthday!!

According to Pampers, you now measure 16.5 inches and weigh more than 4 pounds, and you'll double your weight over the next seven weeks. Your brain is still developing rapidly as your five senses get ready for the world outside the womb. At this point, you can see the liquid world around you; feel sensation when you grab a toe or suck on a finger; taste the amniotic fluid you're swallowing; and hear my heartbeat, my voice, and the grumble of my stomach. Of course, there's no air in the amniotic sac to carry scent, but if there were, you could also smell your environment.

Because of tremendous brain growth, your head circumference has increased by nearly half an inch just this week.

Here's what Mommie is looking like this week:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Week 32: Cooking is fun

So as you may have heard, I'm cooking a little more of late. Yesterday I made some pasta with rice pilaf, and we had salad (already made). It was yummy. That was after I made some baked french toast following a recipe I got online. The french toast was really good, and your Mommy and I really enjoyed it. You know cooking isn't that bad, I just need to be less afraid of trying things or "messing up."

In other news, your Mommy finally saw my favorite movie, The Usual Suspects. It wasn't easy to get her to watch it but it was really nice that she did. Over the weekend we bought some receiving blankets to practice swaddling you. That coupled with the addition of Eduardo, our little cub, has made for some good practice swaddling that I'm sure is going to come in handy for you! The Happiest Baby On the Block video we saw I really liked! I can't wait to try the techniques recommended in it to calm you down when you get "fussy."

As for work, after this week I'm supposed to start my job permanently, and that makes me equal parts excited and kind of sad. I'm happy and excited to get a job that is secure and has good benefits, and is close to where your Mommy works. But, on the other hand, the kind of work I'll be doing (administrative) isn't what I'd want to be doing for work, but I'm happy nonetheless because the people I work with are nice (they let me come in late the other day to get to go with your Mommy to meet another midwife!). I'm still applying to other jobs and am optimistic that I'll get something that both pays more, and is more fulfilling. Love you.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Week 32: Eduardo!

Good morning sweet pea :)

We got you a new friend yesterday...Eduardo! We got him from Build-a-Bear. He's really cute and I'm sure you'll love him. Here he is with some of your clothes on:

We wanted to practice swaddling so we got a few receiving blankets from BabiesRUs yesterday. We swaddled Eduardo pretty well so you're up next.

See the swaddling job?

So yesterday while we were at the mall I was pretty sore so I went into one of those stores with a bunch of massage chairs. As soon as I sat down someone came up to me and said I wasn't allowed to use the chairs because I was pregnant! I was really looking forward to it but what can you do?

Your Daddy made us some yummie baked french toast this morning. He's the sweetest!

We're going to try to go to the gym in a little while so we'll talk with you later. Love you!


Week 32: Picture Post

Photos of what your parents have been up to lately:

Daddy with tempura and a pina colada (non-alcoholic)...yum!

Mommie is huge!

Daddy looking very handsome

Your parents

Daddy at Titi Krysten's confirmation

Daddy with Eduardo (we'll tell you more about him later)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 32: Lela Carmen!

Little One,

I was thinking about you and my other two sweeties, Jalil and Yasmin. We like singing and saying nursery rhymes which made me think about songs I used to sing to your mommie, Uncle Jon and Titi Jomaira. So I'm including two of those songs-maybe mommie will still remember the tunes.

(From Sesame Street)

Rubber Ducky, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you;

Woo woo be doo

Rubber Ducky, joy of joys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!

Doo doo doo doo, doo doo

Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby


Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.

Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby

Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of -
Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of -
Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you!

Doo doo, be doo


Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad.

Sing, sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.

Sing, sing a song
Let the world sing along
Sing of love there could be
Sing for you and for me.

Sing, sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Week 32: Happiest Baby

Hi sweetie pie :)

Your Daddy and I just finished watching a DVD called The Happiest Baby on the Block. It was really good! It's all about how to calm a baby with five different techniques: swaddling, side position, shshing, jiggling, and sucking. The pediatrician in the video had all these crying babies and their parents and then would use some or all of the techniques and the babies would calm down. We'll have to practice these and try some on you! The thing I liked best that the pediatrician said is that we can't spoil you because even if we hold you for 12 hours a day that's still only 50% of the time you were held by my uterus when you were in the womb.

Your Daddy and I both got out early from work today because of the big snow storm. It took us about 2 hours to get home and it usually takes us 15 minutes. It's okay though because we were together and now we're at home relaxing. I love you sweetie!


Week 32: Soaking it all up!


Here I am less than a couple months away from being a new Daddy and guess what, I can't wait! Things are good now, as I've gone on about before, but things can only get better with you around! Am a crazy you ask? Won't it be much more work, I'll be more tired, financially things will be much harder, and my relationship with your Mommy will go through changes, does this sound like something to look forward to? YES! Where do I sign?

So what makes me so looking forward to being a Daddy? Well, you always hear women talk about how having a baby makes them feel like they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. It's no different for me. I think I'm a responsible person, and the kind of person that a child looking up to might benefit from growing up with. Furthermore, I think whatever hardships my relationship with your Mommy might face after you are born, I don't worry that there is nothing we can't work through together, as a family.

Your Mommy is clearly feeling a lot better of late. However, she's had some discomfort with you, but don't blame yourself over this. It's not your fault she's little and you're getting big and likely having a tougher time moving around. I've been talking to you like I said I would, but last night it suddenly dawned on me I haven't been speaking Spanish to you! Don't worry, from now on I will.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Week 32: Still teach an old dog...

Ok, for the record, the donut maker label came from you being called O for short, O like the shape of a donut. It also didn't hurt that I was craving powdered donuts at the time. Put the two together and walah! Guess what? The good news today is that you are doing fine, we met another midwife this morning, and we heard your heartbeat. And most exciting, you are heads down, as in to say in perfect position to be delivered. Good job O. Your Mommy is also doing well.

I've never minded cleaning around the house, but lately have been stepping up on the cooking front. Nothing fancy yet, but what has held me back is me being too hard on myself with my cooking, at least that's what your Mommy tells me (I know she's right, about this only!). I was at home yesterday making tacos for us when your Mommy called and said she had missed her bus, so I sprang into action, picked her up and then finished making tacos and french fries ( I know I'm not exactly a chef yet, but baby steps first right O?). Then this morning made some scrambled eggs and toast. Your Mommy needs her protein! I also woke up pretty early this morning to go to the gym. I love the basketball court they have there. I had to push myself to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes before going to the court to shoot around.

It's not easy leaving your Mommy and you in bed to go to the gym, but as your Mommy noted this morning "I slept good when you were away." Nice right?

Today is rainy and nowhere as nice as yesterday, and the weather reports are suggesting that another snow storm is on the way. Can't wait for winter to go away, and spring and summer to come, along with you. Think it will be nice to sit on our little porch with you, maybe I'll read you some books. Like political science? Ok, I'll read some baby stories. Until then, love you.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 32: Donut Maker

Hi little O :)

So your Daddy has been calling you something new lately: a donut maker. Yes, a donut maker. This started a few weeks ago. I'm not really sure how it started but he thinks that you make donuts inside of my tummie all night long and that that's why you move around so much late at night. Pretty much every night before we go to bed he asks you to make his favorite type of donut, powdered donuts. In the morning he asks how his little donut maker is doing and whether you've made his favorite that night. He also thinks you're going to invent a brand new type of donut in there, one that has never been created before. I think he's losing it, sweetie. If you come out really liking donuts I'll understand why. Love you!


Week 32: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Precious Child,

Hello! How are you feeling? I've been feeling a bit ill these past days. I've got a cold so I took the day off and mustered some energy to write you a note.

As mommie's due date approaches I've been thinking about your weight and length. Mommie's weight was 5.12 and her length 18.5. The way her belly has stretched, I think you will weigh more.

Little One, you will one day be the center of attention. I pray that God will continue to watch over you until we get to meet you.

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Week 32: Crunch Time

Hi O.

It's your Daddy, I'm at work and, like I normally do I'm thinking about you and your Mommy like crazy! I miss you guys when I'm away from you. Last night after meeting with Jen, our Labor Assistant, your Mommy and I went to sleep, but I still feel kind of tired today. I have three parenting books I'm trying to read in the next couple weeks, thus it's "crunch time" for me on the daddy prep front.

I think no matter how much I do or don't read about parenting, the most important thing is how your Mommy and I act on a day to day basis, both toward you as well as toward each other, so I'm not too worried. I think children learn from watching how their parents act, I know I did, and think with your Mommy as a role model you are ahead of the curve O! I think one thing I love about my relationship with your Mommy O is that we joke a lot. Your Mommy has a great sense of humor, and thankfully laughs at most of my jokes. Life is too short to not enjoy everything, and look at things in the most positive light you can, because things are never as bad as they can be.

Right now things are pretty good in my life. Aside from having a loving, smart, beautiful partner in your Mommy, and you coming soon, I have an ok job, live in a nice apartment and all of my family, immediate and extended (includes your Mommy's family) has their health and si Dios quiere will live long enough to see your grandchildren. Oh and the weather of late has been so nice! Today it's really warm out and I wish I could go out and lay down in the grass of some park by a lake or something. Soon enough, and with you! Love you.


Week 32: You are loved

Hi sweet pea :)

It's your Mommie. I think you're sleeping right now because you haven't been moving around much in the last few hours. So little O, how are you doing in there? Our doula Jen came over last night and we talked about many things. Towards the end she asked if we wanted her to try to find out what you were up to. I laid on the couch and she started to move you around and could feel your arms or legs. Daddy got to feel you too. She was moving you around a lot and I was a little concerned but she said that you probably like it. I hope so! She can't tell what position you're in but around this time is usually when babies put their heads in their Mommie's pelvis so maybe you're down there already. It's really important that you get your head down there sweetie so that I can give birth to you more easily. You also want to be face down and then you'll move your head to the side a bit so you can get out. You have so much work to do but you can do it sweetie! Best of all, as soon as you're done you get to meet us! I'm sure you can't wait to do that. :) I'm at work now so I have to go. I love you sweetie!

(32 weeks, 1 day)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Week 32: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning O :)

Happy 32nd week birthday!!!

You're 8 months old today...yay!

I can't believe how old you are. You only have two more months to go and then you'll be out in the world. According to Parenting magazine, your normally energetic baby has started to chill out a bit. Your movements feel more like squirms and rolls rather than hyperactive kickboxing sessions. That's because this week, when you're close to four pounds and 19 inches long, you have begun to run out of room (or should we say womb?). Beneath your skin is a nice layer of fat, and although you still rely on the umbilical cord for nourishment, your digestive tract is almost fully developed. Fetal brain scans show that babies this age actually have rapid eye movements, which means they're dreaming. Who knows what dreams now fill your slumber.

Aww, can dream now? Do you dream about coming out? Do you have any idea what it's like out here? I know you can hear everything now so you must envision something. I hope you're having all good dreams and no nightmares.

I love you so much sweetie. We have a lot to do before you come out and hopefully we'll get at least most of it done in the next two months.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Week 31: Much better

Hi O! :)

I'm feeling so much better. I still have my cold but it's not as bad anymore. I think not doing much this weekend really helped. I had a really nice time at the Fernandezes yesterday. I got to attend my first confirmation. Your Titi Krysten got confirmed in a really beautiful church in Brookline. It was also nice to meet more of your family members. I'm happy you're going to have so many family members around. That's really important to both your Daddy and I. After the confirmation we came back to your grandparents house and had a yummie lunch. I started to not feel so well so your Daddy took me up to Tio Toti's room so I could rest. Thank you Tio Toti! I slept for a few hours and felt much much better.

Today at work I was really really busy. There are about a million things going on at the moment. I can't wait until next month when things should calm down a little bit and I can spend all the time thinking about you! After work today it was really nice out so your Daddy and I walked around downtown Amherst and got dinner. It was nice to get out but I was getting tired so we came home.

Your Daddy is testing out G Diapers right now. They're flushable, biodegradable diapers. We just flushed our first G Diaper and it worked! It didn't clog our toilet. I hope you like them. It's between that and cloth diapers so if you don't like G Diapers we'll go in that direction.

We have our rescheduled appointment with our doula tomorrow night. I'm really excited. We're going to go over breastfeeding more since we didn't go into too much detail during our childbirth class. Her homework last time was for us was to envision your birth. I still haven't done that so maybe I'll do that tonight. Love you sweetie! Sorry if I kept you up last night with all the coughing.


Week 31: New week, New Attitude

Hi O,

It's your Daddy, I'm at home relaxing today. No I'm not sick, but rather I decided to miss work before I got a "real job" where I might not be able to do so. Yesterday your Mommy and I went to my parent's family home, after attending my little sister Krysten's confirmation. It was nice to see family I hadn't seen for some time, like my Titi Carmen, Tio Angel, and my cousins Eric and David. Your Mommy wasn't feeling too well at my parent's home, likely because the church was kinda hot.

Today I woke up and decided I would catch up on a bunch of things I haven't done that I've been meaning to. So after dropping off your Mommy at work, I went shopping, went to the library, went to the post office, did some laundry, made an appointment to bring my car to the dealer, went to the gym and after running on the treadmill I shot around a little (basketball). Funny how time flies when you are relaxing, yet when you are at work, at least most fo the time it seems like time moves at a slower pace. Maybe I just can't wait to see your Mommy again.

Speaking of your Mommy, while she wasn't feeling too well yesterday, she is doing much better with her cold, although you wouldn't know it from last night when she had a rough nite. O I can't wait to see you! I'm so excited to be a father, and to raise a child with your Mommy.

Love you.

(31 weeks, 6 days)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week 31: Relaxing at home

Good morning little O :)

So, we're at home relaxing...yay! This is the first time your Daddy and I have had absolutely nothing to do for a really really long time. Every other weekend has been filled with classes or trips or having to get things done. Not today though. We woke up at 9am and had breakfast and have been relaxing ever since. That makes Mommie so happy.

Yesterday I didn't go into work because I still wasn't feeling well. Daddy took the bus to work so I would have the car for our midwife appointment. I woke up around 10am for our 10:30am appointment and somehow still made it on time, Mommie is fast! I got to meet one of the midwives, Pam, for the first time. She was really nice and we talked about hospital procedures. I asked her how often you will be monitored and if I'll be able to walk around and eat during this time. She said they would monitor you for about 20 minutes at the beginning and then from time to time but that I would be able to walk around and eat and do all kinds of things during this time. We got to hear your heartbeat and you sounded so good. They also took my blood pressure and it was back to normal, 120/70. That made me very happy because although it was normal last time it was still on the high end. I guess I'm learning to relax!

Speaaking of relaxing, it's 2 months until your due date today. Crazy! I can't believe you'll be here so soon sweetie pie. Like Daddy mentioned, we interviewed a pediatrician at Northampton Area Pediatrics on Thursday. Daddy thought he looked like a mad scientist (in a good way) but he was really nice. Your Daddy and I asked him all kinds of questions including how he treats ear infections, immunizations, breastfeeding, etc. There are 8 pediatricians total in the practice but you pick one doctor that you see most of the time unless your doctor is unavailable. All of the pediatricians have children except for one and their office is open 365 days a yea. We can also email them non-urgent questions. All good things I think. You'll get to meet one of them at the hospital little O. I hope you like them.

After our midwife appointment yesterday I was really craving some vegetarian chili and went to get my favorite at Bart's in Amherst. I was thinking of going into work for a bit since I was in the area but I decided against it and instead went to visit your Daddy. Your Daddy called me at his lunch time and asked where I was and I said, "I'm sitting in your parking lot." Scary! He came outside for a few minutes and it was so nice to see him but he had to go quickly.

I then headed to a little shopping plaza to get Get Well balloons for Titi Jomaira because she was scheduled to have surgery yesterday. I also bought two dresses. It's so crazy little O. I used to dress all colorful and in all kinds of things but since I've been pregnant not much fits so I mostly wear my maternity jeans and maybe 3 different tops over and over again. I couldn't take this anymore so I bought two dresses that are more like what I used to dress like. They were actually from the juniors section so aren't maternity looking at all. Thankfully they are very stretchy to fit you. It was so nice to dress like myself again. I wonder what I will dress like once you're born. A long time ago I told your Daddy that I wasn't allowed to wear sweats every day once you were born and that if he saw that happening he would have to tell me something. We'll see how that goes. :)

After that I went to pick up your Daddy from work and we headed to Connecticut to surprise Titi Jomaira with a visit. On the way there though we found out that her surgery had been rescheduled. Poor Titi Jomaira! We met your Titi and Lela Carmen at a dress store and then went out to eat. Then we visited Tio Jon, Titi Lisa and your cousins Yasmin & Jalil. We had a fun time and played the board game Sorry. Jalil & Titi Jomaira ended up winning. It was about 10pm at that point so we said goodbye to everyone and Daddy drove home and we went to bed. A very nice day.

I'm going to go get ready because your Daddy and I are going to go to our favorite cafe, the Lady Killigrew Cafe. Mommie gets to beat your Daddy at cards again, good times. :) Love you sweetie!

(31 weeks, 4 days)

Friday, March 9, 2007

Week 31: turning the corner, on two fronts

Hi O,

It's Daddy. Your Mommy is starting to get a little better heatlhwise, although I still think she needs to take it easy more to let her body fight her sickness. I think because she's been sleeping more she's been getting better. I'm trying to do as much as possible at home to take care of the two of you, and like to think this has helped as well.

In other news, yesterday we interviewed a pediatrician for you and he was pretty nice. I think you will like him. We spent a lot of time asking him all sorts of questions, about an hour, and he never rushed us. I think he will be your pediatrician O. You know besides your Mommy turning the corner on her health, now that we finished birthing classes and picked a pediatrician for you I think we are starting to turn the corner on what we have to do to get ready for you, if you can ever be ready for a baby! I still want to make more room in our apartment for all the stuff we are going to have for you.

I've been talking to you more of late, hopefully you'll recognize my voice when you join us on the outside. Sounds kinda funny, the "outside," like your trapped in there or something. The way you've been moving of late, it's almost like you're trying to get out! Please wait a little longer O. Gotta run, at work now and sometimes got to actually do work, crazy huh? Love you.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Week 31: Flowers!

Hi O :)

Mommie was warming up her lunch when someone dropped something very special off at her desk. Flowers--from your Daddy!

Aren't they pretty? They're also pink, Mommie's favorite color. Your Daddy is the best!! Back to work for you!


Week 31: Women's Day

Good morning little O :)

Happy International Women's Day!!

Women's Day is not as celebrated in the US as it is in other countries around the world but maybe that'll change when you're my age. Women are pretty amazing, O. They haven't always been treated so well in the world so this is a day to recognize their accomplishments and to support the work they do.

Last night another friend from my first trimester came back, heartburn. Yes, it's back! Luckily we had Tums and Daddy took some with me because he knows how much I don't like them. I'm also going to the bathroom about 5 times a night again. I had been going mostly twice a night, sometimes only once since the second trimester. The pregnancy books say this is to get me used to what life with you will be like and getting up all the time. I wish I could just sleep though. In other sleeping news, I froze your Daddy again last night. I feel so bad but I didn't have sheets on for most of the time because I was so warm. I feel like I'm going to wake up one night and I'll have a little icicle next to me. Sorry Daddy!

After work today we have an appointment to interview a pediatrician. Apparently there are a lot of questions we have to ask. Crazy! Mommie is still sick but feeling a little better. Love you sweetie!

(31 weeks, 2 days)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 31: Sick as a dog

Hi sweet pea :)

Oh my, little O, your Mommie is so sick. I don't know how you can sleep through my coughing. Daddy cancelled our doula appointment tonight and I decided to stay home for the day. I've been working a bit so that's good but mostly I have been eating apple pie and ice cream and laying on the couch, watching tv. So far today I've watched the Today Show, the Cosby Show, the Tyra Banks Show, and the Maury Povich Show. Good times. I think I've also gone through about a hundred tissues. I'm glad we got really good Puffs Plus tissues.

Last night's childbirth class was really nice. A doula came in to talk about the Green River Doula Network, the network where we found our doula, Jen. She had her 15 month old daughter with her who was all wrapped up in a big snow suit, she was so cute! After that we talked about immunizations and circumcision, two very controversial topics. Our childbirth instructor believes in immunizations but there were some parents and parents-to-be in the class who had decided against them. Your Daddy and I have decided that we're going to get you immunized for the most part (maybe not chicken pox and things like that). After that we talked about circumcision. Our childbirth instructor is against circumcision as are we. So if you come out as a little boy, O, you will not be circumcised...yay! We also talked about picking a pediatrician in the area, there are so many to choose from it's crazy.

Daddy was out of control last night. He kept making me laugh and making all these comments about what people were saying. He also shared very personal information about himself with the group, it was so cute.

After the heated discussions two couples came in with their babies...they were adorable! The two couples were in our childbirth instructor's last class and one now has a 3 month old and the other has a 4 month old. They told us about their birth stories. One mommie had a homebirth that went really fast. She had a waterbirth as well. The other mommie started as a homebirth but after 3 days she was transfered to Holyoke Hospital and got an epidural and finally was able to give birth. We got to ask the couples all kinds of questions about babies and adjusting to their new lives. They all talked about how different their life was now and how some days they didn't even have time to take a shower or brush their teeth. Crazyness!

We also talked about postpartum depression and how a couple's relationship can be strained for the first few months after giving birth. I'm a little concerned about postpartum depression as I have a history of a depression and there seems to be a link between that and postpartum depression. Luckily though there is a mommie postpartum depression support group in Northampton that I can attend if that becomes an issue.

At the end of class we received a certificate, so we're official graduates! After class we stayed around for a little less than an hour saying bye to everyone. We got to talk with our favorite couple, Andy & Lori for a long time. They're just like us! We also talked about some of our concerns with our instructor.

When we got home after class last night (10pm) I started to not feel well, like I had to throw up. It feels like I'm going through the first trimester all over again only I'm bigger now. I have been feeling a bit nauseous from time to time and been having round ligament pain. One of the pregnancy books said I should count your movements at the same time every day to make sure you're okay. I'm supposed to feel 10 movements within an hour. I did it this morning, not even an active time for you, and I felt 10 movements in about 8 minutes so I guess you're aokay. Back to watching tv for Mommie. I can't wait for your Daddy to come home, he always makes me feel better. Love you sweetie!


Week 31: No more birthing classes =[

So O, your Mommy and I graduated from birthing class U. last night! It was a nice class, we got to meet two couples and their respective babies and Daddy kept up his reputation for asking a ton of questions. I hope other people in the class didn't think I was wasting their time but I really just want to make sure I know enough to take care of you as well as I can. After class we talked with a few other people in the class and it was nice getting to know a little bit more about people. Talking to the couples was great. They had such different birthing experiences and are having a completely different time breastfeeding their babies. One mommy had a ten hour long labor, while the other had a 5 day labor. Interestingly though, the mommy with the real long labor hasn't had any problems breastfeeding while the mommy with the 10 hour labor had had a lot of struggles with it, your Mommy noticed this observation.

I can't wait for us all to get back together with our babies some time in June. It will be so weird to see so many new parents together. You know your Mommy said it was sad that we had no more birthing classes, and after thinking about it for a little while I have to agree with her. We were a little community, diverse at that, that all have the same goal, to give birth to a healthy child and raise them the best we can. I hope we can all keep in touch.

In other news, your Mommy is real sick O. Hope you are ok. She's such a strong person that I have to push her to take it easy and take care of herself. It was tough leaving her at home today to go to work and I can't wait to get back home to take care of her. Got to run now O. Love you.

(31 weeks, 1 day)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Week 31: 65 days to go!

It seems like just yesterday it was over 100 days. Time does fly. Hi O, it's Daddy, I'm at work and thinking about you like always. It is sooo cold outside, but I'm sure you don't feel it. Last night it started getting chilly and I put the heat up a bit so I wouldn't feel cold at night, but woke up and heat was lower than I had put it. Ghosts you ask? No, just your Mommy, you see I think you're her little generator so she stays warmer than I normally do, so she gets up and puts the heat down that I put up. I don't mind though because I'd rather her feel more confortable anyhow.

Did I tell you I love playing basketball O? Ya played in high school and coached my little sister and her 7/8th grade town travel team. You know I'd like to volunteer coaching again but right now isn't the best time, hardly have time to shoot around myself. You should see how our apartment is coming along O, I'm getting rid of stuff all the time to make room for your clothes, toys, etc... By the time you join your Mommy and I things should be all set in the apartment. Hope you like it O. Love you.


Week 31: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O. :)

Happy 31st week birthday!!

According to Babycenter, you now weigh a little over 3 pounds and measure 16 inches long. You're headed for a growth spurt. You can turn your head from side to side, and you're beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath your skin in preparation for life as a newborn. As a result, your arms, legs, and body are filling out.

What you look like inside of Mommie right now:

What Mommie looks like right now...

Still not feeling very well little O. The cough drops Daddy got me are helping though. Your Daddy and I listened to Baby Beluga by Raffi last night. I think you liked it. We'll have to sing it to you when you come out.

We get to go home in a few hours...yay! Love you sweetie.


Monday, March 5, 2007

Week 30: oh oh

So Mommy is sick and Daddy is feeling kinda...well not too great himself. Hopefully I'm not sick as well. Mommy made some yummy dinner tonight, with many choices, and after eating my share of everything I'm ready to hit the bed. Not that I should because it's not good for digestion. I can't wait for the summer to go for nice walks after dinner like your Mommy and I have done in the past. Tomorrow is our last birthing class, and there are supposed to be some surprises, hmm. Have you liked being close to so many other babies? It's funny because there is this whole thing in society about women becoming part of a special group when they become mommies, and your Mommy has told me she has already felt this herself. But what about the Daddies? I saw a man the other day with a baby in a baby carrier hanging on his chest and started talking to him about how much he likes that type fo baby carrier. Maybe men have the same feelings, only to a lesser degree? I don't know, although I know that I'm real excited about being a Daddy! Love you.


Week 30: Sick Mommie

Hi little O :)

It's official, Mommie is sick. A lot of the pregnant Mommies at our classes were sick these last two days and I think I might have caught something from them. My throat is sore and I'm coughing and blowing my nose. Sorry if the coughing is bothering must be a weird sensation for you. Luckily I don't have any body aches. Daddy is getting me some cough drops right now...yay! He just walked in so bye bye for now. Love you!


Week 30: Moving around

Good morning little O! :)

I think you're sleeping right now but we're at work. Mommie has a lot to do but we'll be going home around noon today and tomorrow...yay! As soon as we get home I'm going to get in my pajamas, make some cream of wheat, and then get really comfy on the futon and read some applications.

You were really active early last night and I read in a book that someone said that the only thing that would slow down their baby when they were in the womb was to get into a pool. We don't have a pool at home so I decided to take a warm bath. You settled down right away, you must really like the water. It felt really good to be in there and I was also able to do work and read a few applications. If you still like water when you come out, we'll get you one of those little inflatable pools to dunk you in. I remember we had one for your Titi Jomaira growing up and she really liked it.

Your Daddy has been so so helpful lately. He really takes care of us. He's been doing so many things at home including laundry and dishes and getting Mommie things to drink (I'm always thristy). We're so lucky to have him sweetie pie, he's going to make such a great Daddy. I don't think I've told you how we met but we will at some point.

It was really nice to see Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira this weekend. I love when our families come to visit us. I hope the childbirth class wasn't too weird for them. Lela Carmen also brought a whole bag of clothes that Titi Lisa got for you. They are so cute! A lot of the clothes had little ducks on them (Daddy's favorite) and there's one that has a little teddy bear hat so you'll look like a little cub. I can't wait to get you all dressed up! Thank you Titi Lisa!

Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira at Taipei & Toyko

Daddy, Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira at childbirth class

Mommie sitting in one of the cushy recliners at childbirth class

We learned about breastfeeding in yesterday's class. I'm so excited to breastfeed you, O! I know it can be really painful and we learned all about plugged ducts and infections and babies chewing on their Mommies (I think your Titi Jomaira did this actually) but still to know that I can nourish you all by myself is amazing. I can't believe our last childbirth class is tomorrow. Will we be ready? I hope so!

Back to work for me. Love you sweetie!

(30 weeks, 6 days)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Week 30: Lela Carmen

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Dear Little One,

I didn't want this weekend to end without writing, so here goes. I had a hectic week at work, and was looking foward to meeting your parents for lunch. Titi Jomaira and I arrived at Northampton around 12 o'clock and I wa able to see where you'll be living. The apartment is so cute--Mommie and Daddy have done a great job. We then had lunch at a very nice Chinese/Japanese restaurant. There are so many places to dine in Northampton, the variety is great.

After lunch, we stopped at an Italian bakery and I asked for a strawberry shortcake. This happens to be one of my favorite desserts. We went to a Labor Class with your parents. The group was most interesting, with expectant mommies, their partners and family support members. It was a first experience for me. I had never met such a group of involved and knowlegable people regarding childbirth. Basically, because they were talking about "natural childbirth..........." I never was offered this as an option, so even though I have had 3 children, the experience was very enlightening.

That was part of my week, how are things with you? I touched mommie's belly and felt you moving around. You seem to be pretty busy. To think that you will arriving so soon, time goes by so quickly. So Little One my wishes for a great week. If possible, try to sleep when mommie sleeps. I'm sure you'll try. May the Lord continue blessing the three of you.

Much love,
Lela Carmen

Week 30: Daddy asks many questions!

Hi O,

Your Mommy and I have been real busy, like she said, but doing things that concern you. We've been in Birthing classes, and this upcoming week has more of the same. We have one more class and then a few days later we meet with our Doula/Labor Assistant, Jen. I'm excited Jen has been coming with us to the birthing classes and it was real nice that when your Mommy's Mommy and sister came to class yesterday that Jen offered to assist another Mommy that had no one with her during one part of the class when we were simulating labor. Speaking of which, I hope you didn't think it was time to come out because Mommy and I felt you kicking and are sorry if we were confusing you. Speaking of childbirth classes, I ask so many questions in them! Some are kinda silly and some are so your Mommy doesn't have to ask, but all of them lead to informative answers. That's one thing I hope you understand when you are in school in the future, there really aren't stupid questions and you should never feel uncomfortable to ask questions. But keep in mind you have to have some tact, and pick when you ask certain questions, you'll learn soon enough. As good as a student as your Mommy was I have no doubt you will be either.

While we've been busy with birthing class, like your Mommy said her Mommy and sister came to visit us this weekend as well. We had a nice time, went out to eat lunch together, went to birthing class together and did some shopping. It was kinda funny when they showed up at our door I was still sweeping the apartment and was in my pajamas! Who would have thought they would show up early?

Your Mommy has been feeling kinda like she was earlier in the pregnancy, which is to say not as comfortable as she was a few weeks ago. Maybe you're so big and have so little room in there that when you move it makes Mommy feel uncomfortable? Well, if that is the case don't stop moving for Mommy, I mean I'm sure you don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, but it's nice knowing you are doing well in there BECAUSE you are moving. Crazy, huh?

Things on the job front have picked up a lot of late. Went on an interview and got job offer and am negotiating with current temp employer now to maybe get job there permanently. I'm also applying to more jobs now as well. All I keep thinking about when I think about jobs is making sure I can take time to be with your Mommy and you when you first join us out here. Thus, if a job pays more but can't provide me with that opportunity...they can keep their stinkin job!

I've been trying to do more around the apartment of late, so sorry if I haven't written as much, but will try harder ok. Love you.


Week 30: Busy Busy

Hi sweetie pie :)

Sorry we haven't written to you in a while but we've been pretty busy. Today and yesterday we had childbirth class. Yesterday was the labor class where we made pretend we were in labor. Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira came to the class too. We got to try out all kinds of different labor positions and different breathing techniques. Today's class was about labor complications and breastfeeding. I've been having trouble breathing lately since you're getting so big. I have a short torso so there's not much room for you. You're still moving a lot which is good. Love you!

(30 weeks, 5 days)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Week 30: Exhausted

Hi little O :)

Your Daddy & I are both exhausted. Daddy and I have both been really busy at work and then doing a lot of things after work as well.

At work one of the things I do is coordinate a summer internship program for students. Last year 25 students applied for an internship. Today was the application deadline for the Summer 2007 program and we received 121 applications. Crazy! Mommie is going to be busy reading applications and interviewing students for the next month or so. I don't have to be in the office to read the applications so I'll be able to work from home some days which is nice because I can stay in my pajamas all day long and hang out with you!

Lela Carmen had a scary day at her school today. Maybe she'll tell you about it or maybe not because it might scare you. I'm so glad she's okay. Send her your love, sweetie!

This weekend is going to be busy with childbirth classes. We get to learn more about you...yay! Daddy went out and got us some Orangina which I've very happy about so I'm going to go have some. I love you sweetie pie.

(30 weeks, 2 days)