Saturday, December 30, 2006

Week 21: The Trip

Hello O,

It's daddy. Sorry if I haven't written in a while, still recovering from "The Trip." "The Trip" was the drive from North Carolina to Massachusetts. It was so tough I can't begin to tell you. For starters we had planned to get the UHaul truck on Christmas Eve, pack that day and drive the next day. Well, we started packing, and more packing, and more packing, it was too much stuff to finish packing in one day. Then by the time we finished the following day it was too late to leave because we still had to clean the apartment! So we ended up leaving two days after getting the truck.

Titi Jomaira the night before the Trip

Then came the real fun! We had rented a tow dolly to tow my car in back of the truck and now had to get the car on the tow dolly. That was no easy task. I was so scared driving my car on the dolly, it took forever.

Daddy with the UHaul

But nothing could compare to driving the truck, with the tow dolly, and my car on the tow dolly. That was an adventure! You see we couldn't drive too fast because the truck wouldn't feel secure while driving. And every time we had to get something to eat or put gas in the truck it was another stressful task because I couldn't back up driving the truck, so unless we were stopping at a place right off the highway any time we had to get off the highway and drive through a town I was scared I would drive somewhere that couldn't get out of.

Mommie & Daddy putting on the tow dolly

Mommie reading the tow dolly directions that said in bold face type that the tow dolly should only be put on by a UHaul representative

And did I mention the drive took over 15 hours! Your mommy was a soldier and stayed up the whole ride helping me stay up for the drive. She would talk to me, put music I liked, and put the air conditioning in the truck to keep me up. The reason we made the ride was largely because of your mommy, she's amazing, and the whole trip from NC and how she acted before, during, and after, showed me why I love her so much. I think O, your mommy and I will be able to handle any challenge you present to us, because your parents can do anything together!

On the Road!

Daddy in the UHaul
Titi Jomaira bundled up in the UHaul (we had to keep the AC on to keep Daddy awake)

Enough about the trip, I'm so excited to be with your mommy now, and to be real close to moving in to our apartment. It was nice reading stories to you O the other night, only I got a little sad because one was about migrant workers and how a family deals with challenges together, and it reminded me of my mother's family and what they went through growing up in Costa Rica. My mother picked coffee from a young age in Costa Rica. Her and her siblings all had to work to help the family and because of what she did I had a better life and I hope I do enough to make your life even better. Love you O.

(21 weeks, 4 days)