Monday, December 25, 2006

Week 20: Merry Christmas!!

Good morning, O. :)

Merry Christmas!!

We all took a picture with Santa Claus a few days ago. Santa said he had been talking to the stork and that you would be coming soon. Why are we all holding hands with Santa, you ask? Well, Daddy said to Mommie, we should hold hands in the picture and Santa thought he meant all of us so he held our hands. Daddy felt bad saying anything so that's how we took the picture.

We're still at your Daddy's apartment packing things up. We picked up a 17 foot U-Haul truck and car dolly in Durham yesterday. It's sitting in Daddy's parking lot right now. It's huge! Titi Jomaira and Daddy loaded a lot of heavy things into the trucky yesterday. Your Mommie is not supposed to lift heavy things so she only helped a little bit with that. We were planning on leaving today to Massachusetts but we were all tired last night and then the power went out so we went to have dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. When we came back to your Daddy's the power was still out so we put Daddy's mattress on the floor and watched a few episodes of the L Word and went to sleep. Today it's raining pretty hard and we haven't finished packing yet so we'll probably leave tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas, O. Oh, and sorry if the caffeine has been bothering you. Maybe that's why you were squirming in my belly so much last night. Mommie doesn't usually drink caffeine but all that is left in the house is Coke and Diet Pepsi to drink and I've been very thristy lately and I was having a little heartburn yesterday. We'll be back to drinking juice and water tomorrow, sweetie. Love you!

Oh by the way O, Daddy's been thinking about you nonstop. Your Mommy and I both know how blessed we are to be having you, well Mommy is having you, I'm kinda on the sidelines, but I'm there for her every step of the way. I can't wait until next Christmas, when you'll be around to play with little toys and get more little clothes. Love you O.

-Mommie & Daddy
(20 weeks, 6 days)