Saturday, December 23, 2006

Week 20: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Buenas tardes bebe,

Helloooo! how's my precious grandson/daughter? another week has passed and it's our time to get to know one another. let's see, i am officially on vacation so i get to rest a little, something you're very familiar with. last night i went to visit your cousins yasmin, and jalil. we completed a 100 piece puzzle together. they are very funny and make me laugh a lot. i can't wait for the three of you to meet each other. your uncle jonathan(jon) was just here fixing the computers -he's real savvy with technology. he lives 20 minutes from here which makes it nice.

Your mommie is really starting to show, and you're getting so much attention. i'll write soon. i need to take a little nap, too.

Dios te bendiga!