Sunday, December 10, 2006

Week 18: Hey there OBE (to be pronounced oh-bee)

Guest Post from Titi Lucy:

That will be my name for you until you make your grand entrance into the outside world. I figured Obe has components of both prospective names no? Told you I was corny Obe.

Anyhow Obe, it's Lucy again. Just Lucy. Figured I could be that old wanna-be cool aunt that has a little hippie in her that doesn't want a title, kind of like when a teacher wants you to call them by their first name, that could be me "Lucy" Just Lucy. What do you think?

Well, let me know. First you gotta learn how to talk.

For the record , Ray (my partner in crime and real stand up kind of guy) thinks "Titi Lucy" is better. He said he feels like it's "more of a connection." Connection shmection, you decide.

For right now, you are the talk of the town kid!

Until next time Obe,

Just Lucy