Thursday, December 21, 2006

Week 20: North Carolina!

Hi Octavio,

We're back in North Carolina at your Daddy's place in Chapel Hill!

We were supposed to be on a flight today from Hartford at 12:40pm but the flight was overbooked and they asked for volunteers to be bumped from the plane. Your Daddy and I went up to the counter right away and volunteered so they put us on a later flight and gave us $250 airfare vouchers each. Yay! Now we can go on a vacation with you somewhere. We're thinking somewhere in the Southwest USA. We'll let you know once we've decided.

Daddy & Mommie at Uno's

Your Daddy just finished balancing his checkbook -- he looks so cute when he does it and I was reading my work email. Your Mommie is on vacation until January 2nd so hopefully we'll have a lot of relaxation time. We're going to watch another episode of the L Word now. Your Daddy has to be all caught up by the time the new season starts on January 7th.

Love you sweet pea!
(20 weeks, 2 days)