Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Week 19: Picture Post

Hi Little O,

A few more days until your Daddy gets here. I can't wait. I also can't wait to meet all of your Daddy's family members on Saturday. Everyone is so excited about you!

I want to share some pictures with you today so you can see what's been going on with your crazy parents lately...

Mommie in her gym like to say hi when I'm on the treadmill so I have to pull down my shirt a lot.

Mommie's favorite pregnacy breakfast. The prenatal vitamins are for dessert.

The power went out in Mommie's apartment a few weeks ago for a few hours so Daddy and I went to buy candles and a flashlight so now we have all these little tea lights. Daddy wanted to blow them all out at one time. Here he is centering himself before the big blow.

He blew almost all of them off except for the last two. Good job Daddy!

I tried to blow the candles out but didn't get many which is sad because I used to play the flute so you'd think I'd be able to blow air for a long period of time and forcefully, at that. I hope it's because you're using up a lot of my oxygen.

Your Daddy and I go to this little Polish Deli in Northampton. We always get the same thing, egg and cheese on a portuguese roll with a side of homefries. Your Daddy uses a lot of ketchup, O! I hope you don't inherit that because we'll end up spending your college fund on ketchup.

Your Daddy trying on a winter hat...

And another one...

Your Daddy looking mad shady...

We go to this little cafe nearby that we love called the Lady Killigrew. There are usually lots of babies there so we'll take you there sometime. Last time we went, we played Connect Four and then cards. I beat your Daddy every time!

Our cheese plate...yum!

While your Daddy is away, Mr. Snoogle keeps me company and we read you bedtime stories together.

That's it for now. Mommie has to go eat something. Love you!
(19 weeks, 1 day)