Saturday, December 9, 2006

Week 18: Apartment Search

Hi little O!

I hope you're doing well. I think I can almost feel you moving around in me but I'm still not sure. You & I went looking at apartments today in the area. Right now I live in a 2 bedroom apartment in downtown Northampton. I have a roommate so we split all the costs of the apartment. Daddy and I are trying to find a two bedroom apartment in the area but they are muy expensive. Today your Mommie went a little crazy and fell in love with the first apartment she saw at 11:30am. I wasn't the only one going crazy though. The couple before me said they would give the landlord first and last's month rent in cash right then and there. The landlord is checking our references right now and we'll see if we can move in there. If not, we'll find another place! We really only need a 1 bedroom apartment because we hope that I'll be able to breastfeed you. It would be easier for me if you slept with us so I wouldn't have to get up to go to your crib many times a night. I also want to keep you close. However, the reason we're looking for a two bedroom is so that when your titis and tios and cousins and grandparents come to visit you they will have a place to stay. Wish us luck, O!

Love you!