O, bringing you into this world where it's often hard to trust people, or better said where trusting people often breaks your heart, I want you to know you can always trust me. Trust is important between children and their parents, just as important as it is between partners in a relationship. I hope you know O, or Bella, that you can trust both your mommy and I about anything. No judgments from us, regardless of what you are telling us. So if you do something "wrong" or think you feel something "wrong" and aren't sure who to turn to and whether someone can be trusted with knowing your inner most secrets, trust me, I won't let you down. Trust is something easy to give or have but hard to earn. Which is to say, if you give someone reason to not trust you, you have an uphill battle to get them to trust you again. I hope you know your mommy and I will make every effort to establish the kind of relationship where trust is an important component of effeective communication between parent and child.