Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Week 20: A New Life is Born

O, in case you didn't know it I'm finally here with you, and your mommy. Excited about you and about having a family that I think is going to be great! You know beside you, a "new life is born" for me also means a "new life" where I'm physically here with you. Being so far away from you and your mommy was tough on both of us, and I hope we never experience that again. And to think, there were thoughts of me not being here for another 5 months! Crazy huh?

Anyhow, looking forward, the fun we'll have O is something I can't imagine. I remember when I was little taking family trips are the memories that most stayed in my mind as a kid, so trust me we'll do our share of family trips! For starters there's a park right near our new house that I envision your mommy and I taking you to plenty of times this summer. Speaking of summer, can't wait to see you in cute little summer outfits! Thankfully your Titi Jomaira is going to be done with school shortly after you join us in this crazy world and I'm sure is going to have plenty of fun with you in your first months with us. Don't give her too much trouble O, we need her to want to come back and take care of you plenty of times in the future you know?

I wonder how soon after you're born you'll have younger cousins to play with. No pressure on your aunts or uncles, just wondering.

Until later O, take care and can't wait to see you next week in the last ultrasound. Who knows whether this might be last time I call you O, and start calling you Bella from now on. Love you.
