Sunday, December 31, 2006

Week 21: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

My Dear Grandchild,

Hi wonderful baby, how are you! I tried to send you and your parents an e-card, but I wasn't successful, so I'm writing you today. Well, this the last day of year 2006. Many people will be celebrating the start of New Year 2007. I know how special 2007 will be with your arrival.

I went with mommie and daddy to the clinic to see your ultrasound. I got teary-eyed as I saw God's small miracle-you. It's amazing to see my baby, your mommie, expecting her own child. Your parents are so happy and blessed.

Tomorrow they will be moving into their own apartment. They'll be getting things ready for you.

I wish you a restful night.

Lela Carmen

Lela Carmen & Titi Jomaira