Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Week 18: Lela Carmen!

Our first guest post comes from Lela Carmen:

Precious child,

Your mommie and daddy are anxiously waiting for your arrival. They are so excited, reading every book they can get their hands on. Mommie and daddy talk about you all the time, I do, too.

Oh, excuse me-I forget to introduce myself. I'm mommie's mother, which makes me your grandmother (daddy's mommie is your other grandmother). She lives in Massachusetts and I live in Connecticut. I tell everybody I run into about you. EVERYBODY. Grandmas are like that, brag, brag, brag. And your grandpa Cesar, can't wait to meet you. I've caught him a few times in the baby department checking things out.

Your daddy is a wonderful person. I'm sure you'll agree. I love the way he takes care of and watches out for you and mommie.

Little one, upon your arrival, you will be surrounded by people who love you. Next time I write I will tell about some of these people - like your Titi Jomaira, Uncle Jon and Lisa and your cousins.

Sleep well, and May God bless you greatly,
-Lela Carmen