Thursday, December 14, 2006

Week 19: Dreams of You

Good afternoon sweetie,

I had my first dream of you last night--in the flesh! I've had a lot of dreams where I'm pregnant with you but last night I had a dream that you were born and I was holding you. Your Daddy and I were somewhere in Boston, close to Fenway Park. We were waiting for our bus at this packed bus station. You were tiny tiny and wearing a red onesie and you were crying and I couldn't figure out what you were trying to tell me. I checked your diaper and you were fine and you had just had something to eat so I started gently hopping you around the terminal and you immediately began smiling and stopped crying. I loved you so much O and was so happy to see you smiling. I hope that you will continue making cameos in my dreams sweetie. Love you!

(19 weeks, 2 days)