Friday, December 29, 2006

Week 21: Reading

Hi sweetie :)

We read you these books tonight. I think you might have been sleeping because you weren't moving around but you started moving around a lot when we were finished so maybe you were just listening very intently. Your Daddy picked out all these books at the library today.

Alejandro's Gift by Richard Albert

This is about an older man who lives on a finca and is lonely until all these animals come to drink water in his watering hole.

A Gift of Gracias: The Legend of Altagracia by Julia Alvarez

This is the legend of Altagracia, a saint celebrated in the Dominican Republic on January 21st. She is the saint of thanks and blessed a family with a crop of oranges.

Amelia's Road by Linda Jacobs Altman

This is about a child of a migrant farm worker who has to move all the time depending on the harvest. She's sad that she never gets to stay in one place but finds a tree that makes her feel better.

They were all kind of sad to start out with but ended well. We'll get you more books soon.

Love you!