Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Week 19: Three short/LONG days to go.

Not to sound like a broken record, but these hours are going by sooooo slow. Only 3 days before get to see you, and your mommy, and it seems like quite possibly the longest three days in my life. You know the saying that if you waiting for something it seems much longer and the second you stop thinking about it then it will seem like it came much quicker, well wish I could stop thinking about it! But can't! How can I stop thinking about going to see you and bringing you to my meet my family and then moving to live with you forever? Impossible. Who could stop thinking about it, I have a hard time going a few minutes without thinking about it. Why? Aside from the obvious excitement about seeing you, everything I do every day is somehow connected to you. Don't believe me? Ok. 1) I'm doing this blog, that's obvious, 2) I just came back from the cleaners to have the one suit I have dry cleaned so if I get an interview I'll be all set, 3) I'm getting ready to show my apt to someone that hopefully will sublet it so I can have more spend on YOU, and 4) I've checked Google Talk like 23 times in last ten minutes hoping to see your mommy is online to say hello to her (and you by default). Made my point? Anyways, love you and if these 3 days ever go by will see you and promise to never leave you again for any prolonged amount of time. Pinky swear!
