Saturday, December 9, 2006

Week 18: Just for Kicks

O, mommy sent me this pic today where you can see a baby's foot through the belly of a pregnant woman, and have to admit it kind of made me scared. Not that I'm scared about feeling you in her belly but feeling your foot kind of gave me this alien movie feeling. Hope you're not offended. I do want to feel you...kick that is. Speaking of kicking, mommy is kind of sad she hasn't felt you, at least she doesn't think she has. I feel bad for her, but as selfish as it is I would like to be there when she first feels you kick. Not that I want to be one to feel you kick, although that wouldn't be that bad, actually correction, that would be bad, mommy would kill me! Just want to see the smile you bring to mommy's face when she feels you kick for the first time. Like when she first saw you in ultrasound, and sadly I wasn't there when she first heard your heart beat but can imagine how happy she was! Wait a little longer O, almost there, please, por favor, for your papi.
