Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Week 18: Tum, Tum, Tum, Tum, Tums

I thought morning sickness would be a thing of the past and I have actually been feeling so much better. I feel good most of the time but the last two weeks or so has brought on lots of heartburn and acid indigestion (are those the same thing?). I never had heartburn before and had no idea how uncomfortable it is. They say that the first few kicks from the baby feel like heartburn so maybe O is just moving around a lot. Hope you're enjoying yourself in there. Luckily Daddy bought me these:

We checked on the baby sites and they said Tums were okay. The other options were white chalky liquid medicines. Daddy thought they didn't taste so bad. I had an orange and a cherry and didn't like them but they seemed to work. Sweetie, if you want to just kick instead of giving me indigestion feel free. Love you.
