Monday, December 4, 2006

Week 17: Belly cast!

What a weekend! The excitement Thursday morning that mommy was coming Friday night turned quickly to sadness mommy was coming late, then to despair that mommy might not be able to come, to relief mommy finally made it. Started watching the L-Word, ya mommy pushed it on me, ok not really, I was open to it and it turns out the show is pretty interesting. Could never picture my parents watching something like this when I was in there belly.

Your Daddy loved the L word, sweetie. His favorite is Marina. You and Mommy are back in Massachusetts.

Actually O, the L Word wasn't half the excitement, the belly cast of you was! Who would have thought I'd have so much fun making it. Me the unartistic parent loved it!

I wanted to do the belly cast so badly, sweetie. I looked online and it said it was available at a store near my parents' house but we went there and we couldn't find it. So we went to another store in Massachusetts and got lost and your Daddy being so amazing asked for directions. Did you know that? Your Daddy asks for directions. Isn't that great? I never ask for directions even if I'm really lost. We finally found the store and they had one belly cast left. I brought it down with me when I came to visit your Daddy this weekend and we made it on Sunday afternoon. According to the directions it was supposed to take up to 30 minutes but Daddy really got into it and it took about an hour and a half. Daddy is a perfectionist but he did such a great job!

First we had to cut these little strips of plaster at different lengths. Then Daddy got a container of water for the strips. Then Mommie had to slather Vaseline all over so the plaster wouldn't stick to my skin. Then came the fun part. Your Daddy had to lay all the little strips on me so we could get a cast of you. He had to work really quick because the strips dried quickly. I hope we can have the cast up in our apartment so you can see it and be reminded about when you were the size of a little avocado inside me.

It's so weird having the cast in my apartment, it's in one of the bathrooms, still drying, every time I walk by I look at it and I get soooo sad, miss your mommy and you sooo much! Just a little while ago we bought tickets for me to go to see you both and then bring you back with me to NC to move my stuff to Massachusetts to live with the two of you for good! That's right O, you're going to be raised by TWO not one loving parents that I'm sure are going to do everything in their power to be the best parents ever!

-Mommie & Daddy
(17 weeks, 6 days)