Saturday, December 9, 2006

Week 18: O Boy!

Guest Post from Titi Lucy:

My little brother Chester is going to be a father...wowza!

Part of me wants to just whip out a harmonica and dance a jig, even do backflips (if I could) but something as monumental as your arrival deserves more than that! A sky filled with rainbows, fifty marching bands, trumpets, the works! Hear ye Hear ye I'm going to be an aunt!

You see your father is my little brother, and my brothers and sisters are my life. They make my world special like you will one day know. They are witty, intelligent, compassionate and yes extremely opinionated & sarcastic, but no matter what I love them unconditionally for life. Now enter you...O Boy! Created in part by one of those amazing siblings, how could I not love you to pieces already?!?

You will be my first niece or nephew so trumpets or not, you better be ready! This whacky corny aunt of yours has reserved mushy especially for you. O Boy!

xoxo me, Lucy