Sunday, December 17, 2006

Week 19: Reunited and it feels so good

Good morning O,

You got to meet all of the Fernandez familia last night! Everyone was there, Abuelito Jorgensen, Abuelita Mayela, Titi Lucy (AKA Lucy), Tio Toti, Titi Tatiana, Titi Krysten and Mia Pia the cat. We took lots of photos and we'll post them soon. Your Abuelita and Titi Lucy made lots of yummie food. We had rice and beans, chicken, pasta with pesto, ravioli, salad, yuca and cheesecake, apple pie and mini eclairs for dessert. Your Daddy ate a lot of apple pie and learned the correct way to say chimpanzee. We're going to go run some errands now but we will read you a bedtime story tonight. Love you!

O, I was sooo tired yesterday. I hadn't slept well for the last couple days, while I was counting down the hours to be reunited with you and mommy. But my first night with the two of you I slept great! Much easier to sleep knowing you and mommy are right next to me. Hope you kick soon, daddy is here O you can kick now. Can't wait to read you a story tonight. Hope your day in mommy's belly is good. Love you!

-Mommie & Daddy
(19 weeks, 5 days)