Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Week 18: Prenatal Appointment #3

Hi sweetie,

We had a busy day today. I stayed the night at my parents' (your grandparents) house last night because I had gone to visit your Grandma Carmen who is working too hard at her job. She's a Literacy Facilitator at a school in Hartford, Connecticut. She was an elementary school teacher for many many years before that. Oh, and Grandpa Cesar bought you a toy that I think you'll really like but you can't use it until you're 9 months old so maybe around this time next year you'll get to enjoy it.

This morning I drove from Connecticut where your Granparents Carmen and Cesar live to Amherst, Massachusetts for our third prenatal appointment. We usually see the midwives but they were too busy so we saw an Ob/Gyn, Lisa Stephens. She was very nice and I told her about the indigestion and the round ligament pain and she said it was completely normal. Then she took out the heart doppler and I got to hear your heartbeat again...your heart beats so quickly! Much quicker than your Mommie. She then felt around to see where my uterus was and it was exactly where it was supposed to be, under my belly button. We have your big appointment in a few weeks on the 27th where we get to see you on the ultrasound again. Can't wait!

After that I went to work and had a busy day there. I then went straight from work to meet with a doula at the Haymarket Cafe. A doula is a person who helps Mommie before, during and after labor. She was really nice and she'll stay with me and Daddy when we're in the hospital to help us out so we can make your delivery into the world as smooth as possible. I hope to have as natural as a birth as possible with you but you never know what's going to happen so we'll see. Daddy and I are going to interview another doula when he is in town next weekend and then we'll decide which doula we want at your birth. If you like one more than the other feel free to kick and let me know. Oh, that's another thing, the Ob/Gyn asked if I had felt you move yet. I looked down and said no and she said don't worry you'll feel the baby soon. I'm really looking forward to it sweetie but no pressure, kick when you're ready.

After I met with the doula I got us some food and then headed to the Northampton Human Rights Commission meeting. I'm a Commissioner on the Commission and we discuss human rights issues in town and also answer formal complaints from those who live in the community. Tonight we mostly discussed recent immigration issues in town and had an immigration lawyer come speak to us about how she helps immigrants in the community on legal issues. Your Daddy has thought about doing immigration law so maybe that's what he'll do someday.

I'm tired so I'm going to talk with your Daddy for a bit and then go to bed with Mr. Snoggle. Wish him luck sweetie, he has his first law school final exam tomorrow morning in Torts.

Love you!
(18 weeks, 1 day)